Saturday, March 8, 2008

Empty House, Celebration and Blizzard!

Empty House

It has been awhile since my last post. I have been lazy and mooping around. It's been hard living without Tim. Mostly because I miss him and miss having someone else to live with. My brother comes and goes, but our paths seldom cross.

My house is nearly empty except for a few miscellaneous items. My voice echoes throughout the house. The empty living room and hardwood floors are a perfect sounding board. When I talk on the phone it is weird hearing my own voice resonating throughout the house and within the phone too. Its as if I'm saying every word more than once. I guess I just described what an echo lame.

For some reason, I prefer "camping out" at my house with no refrigerator, washer or dryer. I have other options, either my parents house or my in-laws. Both places I'm very comfort with...I just don't want to leave my house yet. I like my house. And before too long I will have to leave it for good. There is a sale keep your fingers crossed that everything goes through okay. Sorry for the flight of ideas...I get carried away at times.

Here are some pictures of the house:
The basement with some of my brothers things.

A bed I borrowed from my parents.


Last weekend, I got off my tukus to spend some time with family. We celebrated my grandma's 90th birthday!! The whole clan got together for a big Irish bash at a local Knight of Columbus hall. I'm not even sure how many family and friends attended but it was a lot of fun. And, our family definitely needs a "hall" when we get together.

My mother and her siblings wanting to do something very special for their mother (my grandma). After much time and energy, all 6 adult children of my grandma, 24 grandchildren and 17 great-grand children all contributed their thoughts, memories and photos of grandma to a book. There is a website called "Celebrate a Hero" that allows anyone to construct a book about someone who is special. Our goal was to capture the life of Rita Kearns. I had to opportunity of read most of the comments-I learned a lot about my grandma's life and what others thought of her.

My grandmother had never been much of a conversationalist.. however if you ask her a question she will always give an honest response. She has never held anything back from her children or grandchildren. Through her 90 years, she has shown her family the importance of family, community, faith and charity. She is a women that enjoys life to its fullest. I believe she is an accomplished woman, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, aunt, parishioner...the list goes on and on. This is a women who has never had a drivers license but was able to raise 6 children and be active with charity and church. She is an amazing women. I love my grandma. It was awesome to celebrate her birthday with her.


Now for this weekend....snow, snow and more snow!!! I left work on Friday evening, the
beginning of the blizzard. I stopped at home to gather my dirty laundry and headed to my in-laws house. The plan was to hang-out there during the blizzard and take care of the dogs and wash some clothes. Mom and Dad Elek went on a road trip to Wheeling to visit Joshua, Rachel and Norah. I will let one of them write about their travels and visit. Anyway, all of Friday night I indulged myself with TV...the movie channel. I watched 3 movies. It was tons of fun. I had company too...Jeremy, Jack, Ollie, Molly and Giz. Oh, and a nice tall glass of Bailey's on the rocks. It was a good night.

Morning time, I let the dogs out...well kinda!! The snow was so high these tiny little dogs could
not get out of the house. The snow is easily a foot and half high. And it's still snowing strong. I could not find a shovel in close proximity. Well, I haven't had my coffee finding anything is a challenge. Both Molly and Gizzy managed to scurry along the house where there is slightly less snow...and took care of business. Few!!!

Some photos of the snow accumulation overnight:
Looking out the front door. You can see the imprint of the door in the snow!

The snow is covering my car. Can't even see the bottom of my car.

The snow has piled-up to the seat of these chairs!!

Well, that's it for now. Take Care.
Sorry, the spacing of the text is all screwy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!