Saturday, February 23, 2008


There are so many pictures on my husbands blog but not many that I would like to use on my blog.  Therefore, I have decided I need a camera for myself so I can capture images that I would like to display on my blog.  So, I'm off to the store!!


Rachel Elek said...


Jim Elek said...

look forward to more posts from you marz, mick, reese, whoever you are

Joshua said...


I'm excited.

Marzipan said...

Hey all, thanks for reading and commenting!! I'm excited too!

Rachel Elek said...

That picture is sweet!

Marzipan said...

My blog is not dead! I'm just extremely busy.

Tim and Deane said...

What could you possibly be doing that would be more important than updating your blog?

Oh yeah, by the way, thanks for dropping everything on a moment's notice and rushing off to take care of our house and pets.

Mom and Dad